The Children’s Worship Experience at Holy Cross shares Bible truths in fun, memorable ways. Lessons are introduced in a large group setting through the use of puppets, skits and audience participation; followed by small groups, where children learn how to practice their faith at school… at home… in friendships. Relationships formed in small groups make Sunday school a warm, welcoming place week after week. With our Worship Experience, kids move beyond applying faith to actually living it out. Don’t miss Children’s Worship at 9:30am on Sundays located in the Community Room. (Children’s Ministry is for children 3 years old (potty trained) – 5th grade.) Parents – Please complete the Registration Form
9:30 -9:40 – Welcome, Opening Prayer, introduction of today’s lesson (Which is the same lesson that the adults are talking about in big church downstairs- but in a way that children can understand) 9:40-9:50 – Praise and Worship with fun songs and movements. (Lately we have been singing a bunch of songs from this year’s Crocodile Dock VBS) 9:50 -10:00 – A cool experiment that ties in with today’s lesson. (If you ever come to 11am service, I repeat the experiment for the children there.) 10:00 -10:10 – The children are divided into two smaller groups and attend the first of two breakout sessions. (Group A goes to Games/Object lesson and Group B goes to the prayer wall.) The games are always a hit but the surprise to me has been the way the children have taken to the prayer wall portion. This is what we do. The group gathers around a big table and we have a huge sheet of paper and a bunch of colored markers. Each student is then given the opportunity to draw a prayer request or write it out. After we have collected all of the prayer requests, we go around the room and pray for each other and at the end of the day, one of the children takes the wall home and prays for the request every night. It’s really been a great experience. 10:20 – 10:35 – Head back to large group, sing a worship song, take an offering, and have a child end the service with a prayer. (Our offerings go to support a young man named Julio Fuentes Gonzales. A 12 year old boy from Honduras that is part of the Support a Child Program of Compassion International).