Jesus formed a team of people around Himself, and we believe we should be on a team too! Discipleship and growth happens best in the context of relationships. L-Teams give us the opportunity to build those relationships as we form little pockets of community in our life.

Teams also follow an L3 approach. Live teams are fellowship oriented teams. Love teams are about serving. Learn teams focus on study and learning of the bible and other Christian based materials. But the best thing about Teams is that they are made by you. L-Teams are grassroots organizations, designed and created by the people that are in them. So if you don’t see a Team you are looking for, talk to Pastor Chris about starting one yourself!

LIVE: We believe a Christian will LIVE life as a gift and calling from God.
LOVE: We believe a Christian will actively receive and give the love of God.
LEARN: We believe a Christian will want to learn and share the word of God.